Thursday, May 18, 2006

The tar pit man

There are little spots of dim light breaking through complete darkness. They are moving. It becomes apparent that these little spots of light are actually uncovered pieces of a man, who is coated in tar. He has just come up out of a pool full of the stuff into a pitch black night. You can just make out his outline by the little spots of light here and there on his body. It begins to rain, really freaking heavily. The dried tar breaks off of him revealing that he is burning brightly beneath, the water gushes until he is completely clean and burns so brightly that the whole area is illuminated. Then a hose fires water into one of the guy's ears, it doesn't come out the other side- there's clearly a blockage. He cries in pain forcing himself to stand still to endure this trail. Evenually the blockage gives and the water breaks through the other side and comes out his other ear. When this happens the water stops and fire bursts forth from his mouth devouring all in his path.

This speaks on two levels.

1- We are that man. Covered with the filth of this world, we provide a dim light in the darkness. We told in Timothy that any man engaged in warfare does not entange himself in the affairs of the world. We are to be unspotted by the world. As we are cleaned of all our worldly desires, all our worldly attitudes, and all our worldly structures we will begin to be effective in the world. Also the mind must be completely cleansed- to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. This is a painful process- we will be broken of everything we know and trsut- but if we want to be fruitful we will go through the pain for the joy set before us.

2- The Holy Spirit is that man. Bound up in worldly doctrines and forms we have lost a lot of the power of the Holy Spirit. As we have tried to legislate for what this all-powerful force can accomplish we have limited what the Holy Spirit can accomplish. By saying that the Lord will only act in certain ways, and despising certain manifestations of the spirit, we are limiting our access to his unlimited power. It is only when we break ourselves of all these preconceptions, false doctrines, and fomulated spiritual techniques* that we will see the limitless power of God.

*By this I mean teaching people that by praying "this specific prayer", or doing this "prayer and fasting regime" they can unlock certain parts of the spirit. The Spirit is not governed by such laws. It is governed by the Lord- our loving father who gives good gifts to his children, who gives to ALL, LIBERALLY and without reproach.

That is the Law with which we are concerned- the Law of liberty- God's perfect love.

ONLY YOU can satisfy my soul...

Forgot about this bit, which is strange because it's freaking sweet. The man starts swimming around the underwater forest. Every unfruitful branch catches fire and brurns to crisp. Nothing but fruitful branches now. That guy is going to have an underwater feast- does that sound like the "Lamb that was slain receiving the reward for his sacrifice"? I think so...

only MY ALL can satisfy his heart...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen. think that's what i strugge with most. putting God in my pre-concieved God shaped box, thinking that i am letting him rule in all parts areas my life.
why would i know what shape a God shaped box is? its crazy! last night He showed me his enormity, just for a split second and that box was gone. i know i will start building it up again soon enough though, need to keep tearing it down. but yea, ramble aside, awesome post! olivia

3:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

praise God man, that is absolutely awesome and so much of what God has been speaking. He has also been calling me out when i start thinking that He cant work through this person because of this thing they believe or that thing they do.
"tax collectors and prostitutes are entering the kingdom of heaven before you" or something like that. Jesus said it to the pharisees, praise God man cause He works through us when we dont know anything except we love Jesus and that He doesnt just leave us there but also brings us out into all truth.

6:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy crap..that verse again. in timothy. at last, sweet unity.

10:50 pm  

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