Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The underwater forest

It's the same tree from yesterday's post. The fruitful branch is still dripping with the juice of the fruit. A droplet of this juice falls from the branch and drops to the bed of the water. When it hits the sand another tree springs up where it landed. This tree has two fruitful branches. The same happens again, and all of a sudden trees are springing up all over the place, each more fruitful than the last, until eventually a tree is birthed with no unfruitful branches.

As Jesus prunes us we will become more and more fruitful, and the fruit which we bear will be so much more fruitful itself. The fruit which we bear will birth life in others, and we will see more and more fruitful lives unfolding as we disciple more effectively.

Now any scientist will tell you that nothing can grow without a supply of oxygen. But that single drop of juice contained everything which the tree needed to grow. It was blood-red and it contained a little pocket of air. Our lives should be so permeated with the presence and love of God that it can easily bear fruit in others when watered by the spirit.

Here's a thought to chew over. John says that three bear witness on the earth- 'The Spirit, the water and the blood.'

Interesting eh?

Please don't let me be the only one who get's this...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get it dude, maybe you should be the first to explain since I am still not in full revelation about the blood.

Your burning inspires.

5:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am so glad you (and issac) explained this tonight, i has been on my mind all week (well, ever since i read it and did NOT get it)

1:39 am  

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