Thursday, May 04, 2006

The Burning Sword

There is darkness all over the earth. A giant flaming sword comes into view over my right shoulder. I turn around to see from whence it has come. Behind me I see something similar to what the first creation must have looked like. Life springs from every place. Water courses through the valleys, plants spring up and flower, men and animals appear in the wooded areas.

I turn to see the advance of the sword. As the sword advances, the life spreads to wherever is illuminated by its light.

The sword is the Kingdom of Heaven. We were praying about the Lord going to war for us this morning. Yesterdays vision was about the church going to war. Last weeks visions were all about the prohphet- girded in armour and trained for battle.

But God does not just send one warrior in to the battle. He doesn't even send an army. He throws his whole kingdom into the fray. It is the Kingdom of God which overcomes the kingdom of darkness.

The Lord spoke to me a lot about the Kingdom around about September/October time of last year. Zoran Spazovski prophesied to me at that time that the Lord would use this fresh revelation about his kingdom to great effect, and I would do something significant with it if I allowed the Lord to use me in it. It was therefore very tempting to harp on about the kingdom, even when I felt that the Lord was speaking to me about different things. But I submitted to the spirit, and now I feel the time is right for me to wield these weapons more effectively.

I'll try and set up another blog and post some Kingdom teachings.

Until that time, remember the Armoured Dinosaur- Seek ye first the Kingdom, and all these things shall be added.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

matthew 6v33 - love it. i was singing all about this earlier. have decided no ipod is good because it means i just sit and sing christian songs or listen to them in my head. a blessing in disguise - who would have thought!?
- olivia

5:57 pm  

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