Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The earthquake

This seems to bring together the posts from the last two days.

I see the field- the fallow ground. There is an earthquake, and the ground breaks up. Plants shoot forth in the freshly ploughed field. I look up, the moon is moving in the sky, this is what caused the earthquake.

As we draw closer to God, he breaks up the fallow ground. Jason Upton once said that to be efficient in God was to spend time with God. To bear fruit in him, we must be close to him. At the start of this week I was under a lot of condemnation over the fallow ground in my heart. but I accepted it as the conviction of the Holy spirit. Last night when I was hanging out with the Lord, He said

'That condemnation was making me very upset, because I could see that it was holding you back from being fruitful, but worse, you thought it would make you fruitful, and you thought it was from me!'

There is no amount of strength will force fruit to grow. No amount of manufactured spiritual fervour or discipline will cut it. All we can do is decide to be close to Jesus. Then he makes us fruitful.

I wrote this in my song book last year.

'Battle of submission and resistance: I may have free will, but only one decision matters- whether to live for God or myself... let Your kingdom come, Your will be done.'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats really sweet. cool as well, because I was feeling a little bit the same way, condemned and all, and just reading what you said there makes me realsie that God said the same thing to me! ok, if i was to continue, it'd probably be repeating you kinda. but yeah, its cool and all. daddys arms, eh? best place

6:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah dude, the only thing the devil has is wrong mindsets on us. when we believe God, all He can do is throw stuff in the flesh at us, like persecutions and the like in the sense of people dying, but as Jesus said "in this world you shall have tribulation therefore be of good cheer for i have overcome the world."

we're in a battle and we have to learn to discern the voice of our Father. but as it says in James "submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. draw near to God and He will draw near to you." dont forget to submit to God because that is the only basis you have to fight the devil (albeit a pretty dern good one).

yeah, also Upton said (and maybe he said it twice) that to be efficient in the kingdom is to get what God wants done in God's timing. but in fact, he did say what you said cause the only way for that to happen is to allow the Lord to do what He wants in you which means (horror of horrors) that you need to spend time with Him. God forbid....oh wait, no He doesnt, in fact He quite the opposite wants us to do just that.

God bless you doo as you continue to seek the Lord and know that this blog has been such a huge encouragement to me. lookin forward to seeing you soon and seeing what the Lord is doin there. God bless man.

11:28 pm  
Blogger doo said...

I'm sure got the Upton thing wrong. It's a while since I listened to that sermon. Still, replace 'Upton' with B rown and you have the right idea. oh no wait, that would still read 'Jason Brown...'

1:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

really cool -i agree with issac on the whole devil mindsets thing - for a recently rededicated Child Of God one thing that was made clear to me was that if the devil wasnt after me before he was now but being close to God and spending time with him is more than time well spent

thanks for the inspiration andrew

7:47 pm  

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