Friday, May 12, 2006

The glass supports

I see the table-top church again. The rickety old wooden supports beneath the table have been replaced by glass rods, which form a glass surround for the central support beam.

God is removing our external supports, tearing down our safetly nets. But it is not his desire to leave his people in weakness. He makes us into these strong glass poles, which are barely visible to the people in the church. His power works through us not so we can be seen, but so that we are obscured by his glory. Not only can the people see through the glass- but it magnifies the central column. Our purpose is to give glory to God, to place our trust in God alone and encourage others to do the same.

Something I heard again today- May the lamb that was slain receive the reward for his sacrifice. God is worthy of our whole hearted service and devotion whether we get anything out of it or not. We are not blessed with the gifts of the spirit to make us look good, or so that we can have a good ministry- they are for his Kingdom. We are made strong to bear the burden God places on us.

Notice that the glass is below the table- it is beneath the church. It bears some weight now- God does place his burden on his people, but the people in the church don't see that, they see through the glass to the central support. No trust is placed in the glass, just in God.

Make me of no consequence in this world, that I may carry weight in your kingdom. Make me a window to heaven.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen brother, amen

7:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you've said it all really! Amen

7:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can't believe i had only read the first one of these before tonight! i failed on the blog reading front - thought i was more hardcore!

tonight was awesome, as fire always is. glad stephen got you to preach. could hear God talking to me through you, you did well glass man!! (would think of a better/more comedy way of putting that but it's too late and my brain is mush at this time of the morning/evening)

see you bright and early on monday morning for some prayer! im excited!


(my brain is not as mushy as previously thought - i remembered to post my name!)

1:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

amen to the amens

10:21 am  

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