Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The moons

I see a completely black sky. A tiny pinprick of light appears in the centre and gradually other little sparks light up. I'm standing there thinking that this is quite unimpressive- there's not much light. But then that central light, followed by those around it, begin to grow bigger. I realise that they are in fact getting closer to the earth on which I am standing. As they get closer the light is blinding, and I begin to see that these are actually moons, reflecting the sunlight. Light fills the sky, the Earth is bathed in the reflected glory of the sun.

We are called to reflect the glory of God. If we are far from God, or far from the Earth we will not be providing much light to the world. We won't be overcoming the kingdom of darkness with our light if we are just tiny pinpricks of sunlight. But as we draw closer to Jesus we will reflect his sunlight more intensely.

There is also a warning here. There is little value in being a hermit for Christ. If we are so far removed from this earth that we never actually provide light then we are making little or no impact for his kingdom here. I have always abhorred the phrase

'He's so heavenly minded he's no earthly use'

as I believe we have to be utterly heavenly minded to be any use for God's kingdom. But I see an element of truth. If you don't live in the real world, you won't effect the real world. If you lock yourself in a prayer room for the rest of your life, you might make an impact on the spiritual realm, but I think far more can be done by preparing yourself each day in that prayer room, and then impacting the world. Aren't we called to go into all the earth, making disciples...? Aren't we called to be in the world, and not of the world?

Your kingdom come, Your will be done.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


also speaking of prayer rooms...was talking to laura about maybe going down to kinsway a few mornings over study leave (parentals permitting obviously). so is that at half nine monday to friday? can't say i'm a fan of praying out loud (i mean me praying out loud not other people) so i may just go and sit quietly in the corner sort of thing. but yea, would be good to get down a few days at least. i shall see...

11:24 pm  
Blogger doo said...

Use of a name might be handy in the process of me fully appreciating this comment. As i would like to prepare myself adequately for your arrival, it would be useful to know your identity.

In other words, SIGN YOUR POSTS!


PS. 9.30 Monday to Friday is right.

11:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry! i still suck at blogs. it's olivia.

12:09 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and yes i did get my laptop back, bit of a snatch-and-run job from the kitchen but hey...I WIN!

12:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

but at the same time, remember that the Lord has brought some seriously mighty victories from people locked up in their rooms praying. we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

never say never as it has been said.

often this is the case but there are seasons where God does not draw us all nearer but rather just us one on one. being part of the body on earth does not mean earthly proximity or intimacy.

but at the same time, i agree fully just, if anyone is reading this and the Lord has you more before Him than with others, you did not hear Him wrong. but know that the Lord may withdraw you for a time, He will bring you back. dont overvalue or undervalue the time alone before the throne.

11:22 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heya it was so good to be reading that cos the best bit of advice i have heard recently is about reflecting the light and you just covered it brilliantly.

7:40 pm  

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