Thursday, May 11, 2006

The table-top church

I see a tall table, with a house built on the top of it. There are people living in the house. The table has a big, thick support beneath it, right in the centre, holding it up. There are also rickety old sticks around the outside which aren't taking any of the weight at all. I see the people in the house looking over the edge of the table and seeing these rickety old sticks, which appear to them to be strong and beautiful, and which appear to be supporting the table.

I see stars and fire and lightning being sent forth from the central support, which wow the inhabitants of the house. They think this all comes from the sticks, because they can see it passing from beneath the table, through the sticks themselves.

But then the sticks collapse. They are taken away. The people, who have set up a watch man to observe these sticks all begin to panic at his report- the sticks are gone- we're going to fall! Some of them jump over the edge to die faster, but others stay around to await their fate. When they realise they are not moving, they check under the table and see that central support which has been holding them up the whole time.

The church is currently relying on men and man made structures for their provision. People see a man or woman with annointing, and immediately base their life on this one's teaching, or attribute the success of the church to that one's gift. They are impressed by the action of the Spirit, which seems to emanate from these annointed ones. They are indebted to the latest government plan which helps them protect their children, or the latest law which allows them to practice their religion.

But God is breaking all these things. The Spirit does not come from man- it is from God- it just happens to act through people. He is destroying our reliance on men and man-made structures which have destroyed our dependence on Him.

If we are of the attitude that we cannot operate without this one person, or we cannot hope to have a good youth group unless we do what the government tells us to do, then we are powerless.

Someone said something to this effect recently:

'It is naive in this day and age to believe that you can rely on God to provide everything for your minsitry. You have to cover your own back legally and practically.'

I would rather be naive and faithful, than 'wise' and powerless.

Burn up my safety nets.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

defo naive and faithful - its the whole reflect the light thing again -well said

7:50 pm  

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