Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The one-eyed old man

I am walking out of an airport waiting louge, carrying my bible. I see an old man standing at one end. As I am going through the door I hear him announce to the room,

'Who will stand with me for Jesus?'

I am about to keep on walking when I look down and see my bible. Convicted, I walk over to him and lay my hand on his shoulder.

'I will stand with you,'

Some other people in the room also stand up where they are and say 'I will stand with you.'

I look at the guy, and something in me prompts me to ask

'Are you blind?'

There was nothing unusual about this man's apperance or demeanour to make me think that he was, but I asked nonetheless.

'Only in one eye.' He replies.

I prayed with him to receive his sight.

So many people are crying out for someone to stand with them for Jesus. Especially those who are on the edge of Christian circles. So many will say 'I will stand with you,' but few will actually stand, and even fewer will get along side the old man and put their hand on his shoulder.

But what the old man ultimately needed was not someone to stand along side him, but someone to pray for him to receive his sight. I remember seeing a look on his face when I asked if I should pray, which was almost along the lines of 'I can see out of one eye, what's the point in praying for the other one?'

What is the significance of the second eye? Well, first of all, it speaks of perfection and excellence. Why not see out of both eyes? Isn't that what God intended?

But secondly it speaks of a spiritual sense. Millions of christians across the world have been blinded by the enemy- they talk about walking by faith and not sight, but in reality they don't know what it means to walk according to the spirit and not the flesh. It's this spiritual 'sixth sense' which is the key for people to begin to walk in true 'normal christianity'.

Notice that there was no reason for me to know this guy was blind. I just knew. This is the prophetic spirit at work. As we see a spiritual need we must empower people to walk in true christianity. There was no point in me telling this guy he was blind if I didn't heal him.

Lord, send revival. Start with me. For I am one of unclean lips...


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