Friday, April 21, 2006

The shallows

I saw something very disturbing today, and it took me ages to work out what God was trying to tell me.

As I emerge from the reeds growing in the shallows, I see something floating in the water up ahead. It's a dead body- naked and bloated.

At first I thought that I must have been seeing it wrong- surely being in the clear water of God's word and his Love wouldn't drown you. But then I heard a voice clearly saying "He drowned".

So then I thought that it must mean that too much of the word of God isn't actually profitable. Surely not?

Well this is the first revelation- if you keeping adding water and never learn how to swim, you will eventually drown. Or if you keep getting deeper and deeper and then stop swimming then you will drown as well. What does this mean? Well, we have to learn how the word is actually lived out in our lives before we can delve into the deeper waters. Also if we seek after this prophetic revelation and then give up after some prophetic endeavour we will die. We need the prophetic revelation to live, and once we become dependent on it there's no turning back. That's a good thing, but not to be taken lightly.

But then tonight at fire it struck me that there was more to this vision. I found worship quite hard but still broke through in the end. Then I found the preaching uninteresting, and struggled to feel annointing in the prayer as well. But then the Lord gave me a friendly cuff round the ear, told me to shut up and further explained the vision to me. Those of you who know me at all well might find this amusing...

The guy drowned in the water, that means he didn't get any air. What does the air represent? It's the presence of God. Even though we can swim and swim forever in the waters of God's word, we need to breathe the air of his presence. How do we enter his presence- praise. Just adoring the Lord- hanging out with the Spirit for a while. I find this amazing I always have been able to drop everything in my life- even christian things- for praise. I have always been able to overcome the stresses of a packed schedule and the rigors of the christian life which I live by calling to remembrance every so often the basis of my faith- My daddy loves me, and he wants to hang out with me from time to time.

Yes, God wants to speak to us in new and exciting ways. Yes, it is his desire to release prophetic vision in our lives. But don't ever lose the simple desire for the arms of the father, the love of the presence of God. After all, isn't that our first love?


Blogger doo said...

I knew you'd remember!

11:47 am  
Blogger groog said...

AMEN! I liked it, because just hangin' out with God sometimes is awesome.

God bless, sir.

4:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, this is not just what the Lord has been speaking to me but also what He is doing with me and with people at mission right now. it's funny how much warfare we go through sometimes to get there. i saw someone i was praying over at the retreat who was crying to God but they were curled up at His feet and their place was in His arms.

we so often just want to shout things at God and tell Him our problems and have Him fix them from a distance, but He doesnt want to fix them from a distance, He wants to fix them with us curled up in His arms, beating His chest cause we dont understand because He doesnt answer questions with an explanation to send us off elsewhere, He answers them with Himself. when He says I AM God, that is not to send you off whimpering in fear, it is to remind you that your whole world is in the palm of His hands.

1:55 pm  

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