Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The dark. (It's all about sheep)

I'm not talking about the movie...

I hear a voice saying 'thy word is a lamp unto my feet'.

I see a man walking in complete darkness, carrying his bible out in front like a torch, but it is not giving any light. Then it is set alight, and it provides light for the journey.

But then I see rivers of water coming from the guys belly (Matthew 7:8). But this water isn't just water, nor is it just living water, it is burning water. It floods the path in front of him and literally blazes a trail in front of him.

God's word is a light unto our feet. Even the bible is useless without the quickening of the Holy Spirit', it wasn't until the word was set alight that it gave light. But the burning water (prophetic word) gave the most clear guidance. If we do want to walk the most fruitful path, and be the most effective we can possibly be for his Kingdom, then we need to have this burning water issuing from us.

PS. I see this blog as an outlet for my burning water- prophetic visions. I was thinking that I should start another blog for excerpts from the prophetic revelations which I receive. Mostly these would be extracts from sermon notes- the extended 'brainstorming' that I conduct while preparing sermons. I might be able to get audio clips up there too. Let me know what the interest in this would be. Comment at will.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

heck yeah dude, do it. i think i might have to completely agree. this also means that the word is not meant for one alone, aka just you, but for the whole body. share the wealth and we all get wealthy. hoard it and we all stay poor, blind, miserable, and wretched. remind anyone of Revelations 3:14-22?

1:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are still considering setting up a secondary blog with audio, excerpts, etc, I may be able to offer some help in the form of a place to host the audio files, and perhaps technical advice on how to get said audio files into the correct format. I'd love to see it if you do it, and I'd be happy to help if you need. Just let me know.

7:32 pm  

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