Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Ocean, Friday 7th April 2006

Two for the price of one. Making up for the fact that I'm a day late.

The first was a picture. I saw a man with a burning fuse like a firework. When the fuse burned down to his skin I saw him move as if there had been a small controlled explosion inside of him.

Then I saw the same picture. This time as the fuse burnt to his skin, his whole body lit up as an extension of the fuse. Then there was a massive, un-controlled explosion.

As God's revival gets closer and closer we can limit and try to control the explosion of his spirit. Then, it will be a momentary nice feeling inside, and will be utterly ineffective in reaching anyone else.

Or we can allow our flesh to be consumed as his fire burns closer and closer to humanity. Then the revival will be effective and uncontrollable.

Then I saw the sun bursting forth in the heavens again. I saw many frozen people floating in a steadily rising ocean. I saw individual bursts of intense sunlight zapping different people from the sky. As the fire hit, the frozen bodies were simultaneously melted and set alight. Then as a result of the fire I saw them beginning to dance and whirl about in the water. The melting bodies made the water level rise even faster. Then because of the dancing people, the water was disturbed and began to get a little choppy.

Cut to a shore line. I see a desert. The parched ground is cracked and dry. Dead bodies lie on the hard sand, themselves dried out by the raging heat. The rising water line, hastened by the dancing people begins to advance up the shore. As water touches the dead bodies they spring to life. Softened and revived by the water, they too begin to dance in the water.

God's glory illicits a response in us which effects others. If at first they are hardened by the heat of his glare, they will be revived by the spiritual waves which we, the dancers, will make, then they too will burn with a fire of love, and they too will dance in the ocean of God's love.


Blogger Ross said...

God is speaking through you.

4:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is totally awesome - am reading through your blog at a completely random time and this just.....AMEN!

11:43 pm  

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