Monday, April 17, 2006

The Valley.

I decided to stop putting dates in the titles of posts- they're up there automatically...

OK, I see myself running to the top of a hill. When I get to the top I look down into a valley, filled with foul, waste-ridden, disgusting water. I decide that there's nothing for it- I'm going to have to cross. I close my eyes and dive. I feel mysef hit the water and begin to swim.

Then I open my eyes and I see that I am in fact swimming in mid air. Or so it seems. There is a layer of pure, clear water over the gross water. It is this water in which I am swimming.

Before I could ask for the interpretation, the Lord showed me another picture.

I saw myself surrounded by darkness- black dirt clinging to me all around. But then the picture panned back and I could see that I was standing in a tiny black spot on a canvas of pure white.

God's love is greater than our love. His perfect and pure love overcomes the foul and festering love with which we as humans are obsessed. His perfect and pure love envelopes the little spots of darkness and dirt which we call love.

But as it was, I was coming over the top of a mountain. This speaks of breakthrough and change. As we experience revival, the Lord is going to lift us out of the waters of our own human love, out of the blackness and darkness of human love, and into the pure waters of his perfect unconditional love.

He also speaks specifically to those singles among us. His love overcomes the love of a woman or a man. His love surpasses that which we think we really want. As we allow ourselves to become consumed by his love, he will overcome our obsession with finding a partner.

And you never know- he might allow us to have a partner one day. But for now- have a taste of 1 Corinthians 7...

Why not?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, God has been showing me that very thing in regards to something inside of you that wants a relationship even though you know deep inside you don't need it and that is not what God is calling you to(selfish,ambitious love). Praise God for His love that sets us free. Let it break!

P.S.- I hear you are coming over for two months in the summer? Sounds awesome.

10:29 pm  
Blogger doo said...

Yeah, hopefully for two months, we'll have to see how it works out.

4:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah man, the Lord has been dealing with this for a while and basically showing me that why rush to find a partner, you will be spending the rest of your life with them? cultivate your relationship with the Lord and live for Him and wait for Him to give you as a gift, one to the other. and if it is His will, He will. if it is not it wont matter cause you're storing up treasures in heaven anyway.

1:21 pm  

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