Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The hypnotism disc (UPDATED)

I see an unusually patterned disc floating on the surface of a pond. It is moving and rotating as the water drives it. Wherever the water goes the disc moves. I look and see the same patterns on the disc as I saw in the prism yesterday. It's almost like an ancient cave painting of myself. with my right fore-finger outstretched as if pointing to something. It also has ornate carvings in it, with different arrows etched around the edge. As I stare at this thing rotating it has a hypnotic effect on me. I find myself experiencing a stange feeling of freedom in my mind. It was wierd.

The Lord speaks: the prophetic gift is like this disc. It is controlled by the word of God- wherever the water moves it moves. It provides direction. But it also is incredibly important in the tearing down of strongholds in our minds. Bad attitudes which we allow to control us become strongholds and then we have to declare war on them to tear them down. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10 that 'the weapons of our warfare are... for pulling down strongholds... bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.'

This prophetic gift is one of our weapons. As I advised a mighty prophetess recently, we must learn to wield this sword effectively, in order to tear down the strongholds in our minds. There are many false teachings and doctrines keeping people in bondage to the world and to their flesh. In a sense people have been hypnotised by ear tickling teachings, we are un-hypnotising them. The prophetic gift, the word of God, and life giving teaching are designed in God to break the power of these false teachings in order to bring truth, and hence bring freedom (John 8:32).


I know this was long enough already but the Lord showed me even more.

I see the disc again, but this time I see beneath it, despite what I first thought, it is not in fact floating on the suface, but controlled by a shaft which runs down to the bottom of the pond. It is in fact the disc which is stirring the water and not the other way round. I see beneath the bed of the pond and the shaft is being controlled by complex machinery, not comprehendable to man. I pull out again, and see the disc rotating and hypnotising me again, and then it pans back further- the disc is in fact the pupil of an eye, which is the pond. It's not just any eye, it's the eye of God! I see him standing there in glory, his eyes flaming like fire- shining brightly as they continue to hypnotise me.

The prophetic spirit is controlled not by the water as I first thought. It is controlled by the very mind of God (the strange machinery), whose thoughts are higher than ours, through the water. So God is controlling us in his eternal intelligence through His word. But he is using us to control the word of God (stirring the water). The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets- God speaks his word but we control the distribution of the word. Like a warrior wielding a sword, and not a sword wielding a warrior! We need to learn how to control that word- but how do we do that? Well we submit to the thoughts of God- even when they seem crazy and unfathomable, we submit. We are controlled by his mind.

This is when we start seeing the true fruit of prophecy, the fulfillment of the prophecies. We are no longer just indiscriminately spouting the word of God- but speaking a perfect word, at a perfect time, to a perfect people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankyou for the email, it was excellent. mwah

4:50 pm  

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