Monday, January 08, 2007


Resting- not forgotten.

A glowing red fire consumes the once cold church and spreads up the road capturing all the shoppers and passers-by. Just when rejoicing is about to break out, it is noticed that people are in pain, wailing in distress rather than dancing in the fire. One soul is screaming desperately, clearly in distress but still with hope in his eyes. He begins to burn white- hotter and purer than the red. This white flame begins to catch- fire begets fire- and the white flame consumes the landscape. Let the dancing begin.

I don't think the red fire has to come first. But unless we wake up from our coldness, our lack of love, our dry prayers and unused faith, the very fire of hell will consume all that to which we once laid claim as 'our land'. Nothing will get a man praying more than the fire of hell nipping at his feet. But if he doesn't think it's hellish, he may consider it to be from above. Dangerous move- strange fire has it's consequences.

But the fires of love burn hotter than the fires of hell could ever dream of burning.

Get hold of some real fire-power, and don't let go.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The dark

A few years back Bill Brannan had a vision of the people in the youth group running through dunmurry laughing away. The principality governing the area was chasing but couldn't catch up.
Today the Lord showed me a man in a raft paddling across a dark lake surrounded by fog. He couldn't see but he knew where he was going. As light began to penetrate the fog it was clear to see that a dark shadow was chasing him but couldn't catch up, even though he was going so slowly.

The truth was that he had the peace of the spirit, and that's why the darkness couldn't touch him, not because he was too strong or too fast.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

He has given us his peace so we can eneter into his victory.

The three spirits governing Dunmurry and most of the modern world are the Jezebel spirit, the Babylonian spirit and the Anti-christ spirit. They're all very much at work in local churches, and govern our society and culture. It's time the Jesus reigned in all of the earth, let alone the church , and maybe our hearts would be a good start.

If you want to know more about the Jezebel, Babylonian and Anti christ spirits read the bible...

and read 'The three battle grounds' by Francis Frangipane, or ask me and I'll do my best to impart what little knowledge I have.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Lake

Back to the Lake again. It's so peaceful- the sun is shining across the surface, and it is as still as glass. I am swimming across this lake making slow but steady progress, but clearly enjoying the journey.

Just when I am beginning to enjoy myself most, a speed boat motors past me churning up the water, and speeds to the other side of the lake right were I'm headed.

So much of our religion is like that speed boat- just a machine to get us to the other side. I'm still heading to the other side, but I'm going to make the most of the journey. Sure, maybe somebody has a structure which will accomplish all our goals ten times more efficiently and it's a proven mechanism for church growth, and that's all it is- a machine headed for the other side.

No machine can beat real life.

Go. Live.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Watch

There's a man standing surrounded by looming bronze gates. They seem to be pressing him on every side, and there is no escape.

He's wearing a rather interesting watch though, it's the prophekey. When he looks at it the gates stop pressing, and the perspective changes, the gates aren't that big at all. Nor are they as close as it first appeared. All of a sudden there is space and peace in the situation.

At the minute many people (including myself) are feeling the pressing of the gates of Hades. There is a huge pressure on us to be committing ourselves to the ministry, spending more and more time doing spiritual stuff. It's time to redeem the time.

But redeeming the time doesn't mean spending more time in meetings, nor does it mean not doing my homework assignments because I should be praying. It means taking those times that we are doing seemingly unspiritual things, and serving God with them. If Christ had intended us to spend all our time in meetings he wouldn't have made them so boring. If he had come that we might have life then he would have died on a cross to overcome death and told us that he came that he came that we might have life...

I guess he came that we might have life then...

Start living and stop trying to have life.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Prophecy Key (or Prophekey)

Jesus is standing in front of me holding out his hand. He is smiling but there is something sorrowful about his countenance. He opens his hand, and I see a small object engraved with the symbol of prophecy. Since it's been a while I'll explain that the Lord has attached this symbol to several visions in the past and it always speaks of the prophetic annointing acting on his people. I heard him say:

"I have given you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." (Matt 16:13-20)

The Lord speaks to his people. And to be honest we've been really lazy about hearing him and speaking it, at least I know I have. This is one of the primary weapons we have to fulfil our commission. We're building the Kingdom-to build up the living stones we need to speak the words of encouragement which don't come from men, but rather from the mouth of God himself. We are laying seige to the gates of hell- why throw our own efforts when we can use the weapons which God is providing. Why run blindly into battle when God has done all the recon work for us already?

I take the key from Jesus' hand. I see tall bronze gates. Behind them darkness reigns, and the cry of a million lost souls rends the air. I throw the key at the base of the gates, and they are destroyed in a huge explosion which floods the whole place with light.

I pick up the key, and place it into the heart of passer by. When I turn it his heart opens and living water gushes forth clearing away the rubble and preparing the ground for a new build. Might as well lay the foundation for a new kingdom then...

It's good to be back.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The dome

There's a tiny tree, just beginning to grow in the ground. Above it stands a large dome made of solid rock.

My first reaction is: "That's stupid. First break down the dome and then plant the tree."

But God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. That little tree will break through the stone and destroy its life restricting structure.

We wrestle not with flesh and blood but powers and principalities. The battle is not in the stones, but in the ground- a fight for water, nutrients etc. Win the fight there and the rocks will crumble.

No point in preaching and striving against the structures of this world. Fight the darkness with your light. Win the battle in the spirit. The victory is already ours.

God is good. God is good...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The turntable, part deux- Turntable Returns...

The same turntable. People are pushing. The fire is growing. It's all good in the hood.

I see this one guy break ranks and rush into the centre of the fire. Set alight he rejoins the circle, pushing harder and shouting encouragement to his companions, the fire begins to spread. The fire grows more quickly as the people become the fire.

Sometimes you just have to break out of routine and go and play with fire*. As the Father's presence grows ever stronger the temptation to jump right in gets pretty great. Just give in! The reason he is bringing his presence on earth is so he can dwell among and fellowship with us. As we become the walking, talking, manifest presence of God His kingdom will grow faster than if we just try to fob it off on people in an unreal, impersonal way.

*I say play, but this is no game. It's real rejoicing in revelation.

Praise God that he uses idiots like me to accomplish his purposes.