Sunday, July 23, 2006

The turntable, part deux- Turntable Returns...

The same turntable. People are pushing. The fire is growing. It's all good in the hood.

I see this one guy break ranks and rush into the centre of the fire. Set alight he rejoins the circle, pushing harder and shouting encouragement to his companions, the fire begins to spread. The fire grows more quickly as the people become the fire.

Sometimes you just have to break out of routine and go and play with fire*. As the Father's presence grows ever stronger the temptation to jump right in gets pretty great. Just give in! The reason he is bringing his presence on earth is so he can dwell among and fellowship with us. As we become the walking, talking, manifest presence of God His kingdom will grow faster than if we just try to fob it off on people in an unreal, impersonal way.

*I say play, but this is no game. It's real rejoicing in revelation.

Praise God that he uses idiots like me to accomplish his purposes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha liking the sign off and the use of its all good in the hood. extra points!!! pretty sweet and encouraging right now!!!!! hugs!

2:36 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man, a freaking man. that is awesome and so very true cause i definitly find that when we take those times off and go to a retreat and come back all fired up, we should throw the fuel on the fire.
it's so awesome how God just uses every experience to increase the fire and when we draw it out of the whole community, that flame starts to quickly burn brighter, hotter, and more intense that it would have otherwise.

11:19 pm  
Blogger groog said...

This is awesome. You have been very encouraging.

When you shownig up over here? I thought it was soon.

Are you posting from the plane? I hope so.

Expect God,

5:45 am  

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