Monday, January 08, 2007


Resting- not forgotten.

A glowing red fire consumes the once cold church and spreads up the road capturing all the shoppers and passers-by. Just when rejoicing is about to break out, it is noticed that people are in pain, wailing in distress rather than dancing in the fire. One soul is screaming desperately, clearly in distress but still with hope in his eyes. He begins to burn white- hotter and purer than the red. This white flame begins to catch- fire begets fire- and the white flame consumes the landscape. Let the dancing begin.

I don't think the red fire has to come first. But unless we wake up from our coldness, our lack of love, our dry prayers and unused faith, the very fire of hell will consume all that to which we once laid claim as 'our land'. Nothing will get a man praying more than the fire of hell nipping at his feet. But if he doesn't think it's hellish, he may consider it to be from above. Dangerous move- strange fire has it's consequences.

But the fires of love burn hotter than the fires of hell could ever dream of burning.

Get hold of some real fire-power, and don't let go.


Blogger lozhutch said...


thank goodness cos i didnt know where me and isaac were going with our wee chat!

i liked the whole dadadadada thing, i remember that from our chat about tongues.

such truth.
'dont let go'

11:34 pm  
Blogger lozhutch said...

before i get slagged, isaac and i, isaac and i

and resting-not forgotten - i too am glad

11:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good word. Indeed the Lord spoke some pretty sweet stuff out of Isaiah about the Lord sending the Enemy to destroy and bringing us back to him. the coolest part was a verse in chapter 11 I think "and the yoke shall be destroyed by the anointing oil." Pretty cool.

Also about the whole "isaac and i" thing. According to my writing teacher, who was awesome by the way, it is not actually correct to write me and isaac and it is technically incorrect to go the say isaac and i. So before anyone decides to slag Laura, you're wrong. You could say isaac and I though because everyone in the world will tell you otherwise.

1:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had an idea....scream at me

i'll cry, you'll cry

it will be awesome


8:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love it. and the sound of the coming rain-incredible.


12:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

resting again?

2:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we might safely say laid to rest cause it's been for freaking ever

7:33 am  

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