Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The Watch

There's a man standing surrounded by looming bronze gates. They seem to be pressing him on every side, and there is no escape.

He's wearing a rather interesting watch though, it's the prophekey. When he looks at it the gates stop pressing, and the perspective changes, the gates aren't that big at all. Nor are they as close as it first appeared. All of a sudden there is space and peace in the situation.

At the minute many people (including myself) are feeling the pressing of the gates of Hades. There is a huge pressure on us to be committing ourselves to the ministry, spending more and more time doing spiritual stuff. It's time to redeem the time.

But redeeming the time doesn't mean spending more time in meetings, nor does it mean not doing my homework assignments because I should be praying. It means taking those times that we are doing seemingly unspiritual things, and serving God with them. If Christ had intended us to spend all our time in meetings he wouldn't have made them so boring. If he had come that we might have life then he would have died on a cross to overcome death and told us that he came that he came that we might have life...

I guess he came that we might have life then...

Start living and stop trying to have life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

liking the end of your post

eyes not on the problem but on the problem solver
i dont think i make sense


12:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

see for a second there, i thought "oh wait, Jesus did come for that reason" and then i saw the turn around and i was like "oh man, so genius."

at any rate good Lord yeah. i have been going to less meetings and using my time to study and do well and get in bible reading but i have been finding so much less confusion. i think a lot of people subsitute meetings for spent with the Lord and you really cant do that without causing yourself some problems. i like it and it's true, dont be crushed amidst pressure but take the Lord's burden up and dont bother shouldering any other burdens cause they wont actually get you anywhere.

as tempting as they may be to bear sometimes...

10:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am confused. i am not smart enough to see the "turn around"

11:33 pm  

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