Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The dark

A few years back Bill Brannan had a vision of the people in the youth group running through dunmurry laughing away. The principality governing the area was chasing but couldn't catch up.
Today the Lord showed me a man in a raft paddling across a dark lake surrounded by fog. He couldn't see but he knew where he was going. As light began to penetrate the fog it was clear to see that a dark shadow was chasing him but couldn't catch up, even though he was going so slowly.

The truth was that he had the peace of the spirit, and that's why the darkness couldn't touch him, not because he was too strong or too fast.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

He has given us his peace so we can eneter into his victory.

The three spirits governing Dunmurry and most of the modern world are the Jezebel spirit, the Babylonian spirit and the Anti-christ spirit. They're all very much at work in local churches, and govern our society and culture. It's time the Jesus reigned in all of the earth, let alone the church , and maybe our hearts would be a good start.

If you want to know more about the Jezebel, Babylonian and Anti christ spirits read the bible...

and read 'The three battle grounds' by Francis Frangipane, or ask me and I'll do my best to impart what little knowledge I have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry it didnt come up first time....but i read it in the end

peace of spirit....interesting..

God bless

8:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's time the Jesus reigned. i like the use of "the Jesus." yeah at any rate im in full agreement. awesome

10:06 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

****use me****

12:24 am  
Blogger doo said...

An invitation to 'use me' is dangerous you know...

But i guess as i don't know who you are i can't use you.

But it's probably olivia... or laura...

12:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think that meant ****use the blog****

it was the blog talking to you

12:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know, I thought it might have been someone saying "use me Lord" but as it turns out it very much echoes the cry of my heart. This cry is "Doo, write things in this blog cause it is very awesome and encouraging when you do." But you know, whatever.

10:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

preach it issac

o wait you did already

dang i have been hanging out with the guys too long!!! im sounding like them!!

5:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, laura managed to spell my name wrong with it written on the same page. hehe.

2:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im sorwee

are we going to continue to comment unnecessarily on this until dooboy updates? haha

2:44 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only if it's to have conversation or make fun of something else, which in this case was you for spelling my name wrong. We could talk about pleasant things of course, but seeing as nothing else was going on here, I figured why not.

Anyway, yes we are going to continue but we should find something interesting to keep babbling about rather than some random crap that doesn't make any sense. Update the dang blog Doo.

8:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

something interesting.....


4:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

putting large amounts of space in between words does not count as interesting and in fact could even be construed as annoying.;) If you must know. Hmm well seeing as Doo isn't using this blog to post revelations, anybody else got any they feel like posting here?

10:21 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i couldnt think of anything interesting to say

im actually a very dull person

but i got Jesus!!!


you cant advertise doo's blog!! its, not...whoboy...i dont know where i was going with that!

2:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not a dull person, just maybe trying too hard. Just relax and go with the flow, or something stupid like that.

12:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol lol lol

i dunno why but i found that funny. it tickled me.

im till trying too hard you could help me out a little bit here ISAAC

boo yea i spelt it right

3:13 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"im till trying too hard you could help me out a little bit here ISAAC

boo yea i spelt it right"

I think I will help you out by pointing out that, while you did in fact spell my name write you spelled a few other things wrong.

For one, I think you are either attempting to talk with a speech impediment or "im till" was supposed to be im still. Two that was a run on sentence that badly could've used a comma.

Three, spelt is not a word. Next time you might want to pick spelled.

See, the thing about not trying too hard is to wait till you come up with something random that you decide you want to share. Coming up with something for the sake of coming up with something doesn't usually produce things that are interesting.

Plus, if you never come up with interesting things but don't try to come up with interesting things, no one will ever be the wiser. I am not saying this because I think you are boring, because I do not. I am saying this because this is what I do, being as completely uncreative as I am.

However, making fun of people I do enjoy so long as I'm not actually hurting someone. I have found though that to call myself uncreative is an affront to the God who made me, because He is very creative. I may not be creative musically or in some way I want to be, but I have God's creative life within me. Don't downplay yourself as dull but rejoice that you are fearfully and wonderfully made because you are.

It's hard to be ourselves and not fit places, but it gives glory to God nonetheless and in the end it is very hard to find someone who does not have a place. It just takes time.

How was that for something to talk about?

8:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, get you

yes it was supposed to be still, its not an important essay i was typing, therefore i let my grammer and punctuation fall a little bit; i know this is where you will want to say 'do all things with excellence' so i'll get in there before you! and is spelt really not a word? well tells me it is and that it is also a hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe, but i agree that perhaps it was not the best word to use and spelled would have been much better

i find that i have many people around me to correct me and make fun of me and im truly glad that this even includes the internet as a source of that


10:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I know. Honestly it doesn't matter (incorrect grammar that is, remember my journal entries where I didn't capitalize or even bother to use punctuation?) to me all that much, I just have a compulsion to tease people.
I can lay off if you ask though, because I also know that there's only so much that a person can take. I reach my limit sometimes and I appreciate people laying off, so if it's too much let me know.

8:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hang around with doo. im used to worse!

im partly kidding lol but i say everything with love!

i think we should give up isaac, it looks like the blog has been forgotten!

10:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Doo would say, "resting not forgotten." I think it is safe to stop posting here now.

9:31 am  

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