Sunday, June 25, 2006

The climbing wall

People are gathering for a Sunday morning service. As they sit down, a brick wall is built over their heads. In between certain people there are little gaps in the wall. It looks a little like a climbing wall, with plenty of gaps in the brick work for footholds.

These footholds are the broken relationships, silent grips and complaints we have about the church. Many come together feeling that things should be done differently, silently complaining about the state of the music, the preaching, the youth, the oldies. Some don't like the person in front of them. They're singing too loudly/quietly, dancing too much/too little, smell like crap/roses. But it's a good job I'm not like them... says the PHARISEE.

Let's be honest, as long as we come together in disunity we are not getting anywhere, and we are allowing the enemy to have footholds all over the church.

The devil thrives on disunity

He flees from unity.

The spirit of true repentence falls on that wall, filling in the gaps. A proper defence is formed, and the enemy has no ground on which to stand.

The devil flees.

Psalm 133

Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. It is here that the Lord commands his blessing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, this was interesting cause i remember a little while ago i was listening to a new compilation on called Lord and Art Katz said something along those lines.

basically "you sit in pews facing the front and then when you take communion you take this little piece of fake bread and grape juice from a plastic cup and drink together with people you may not have even met before. then you turn to the person next to you and give them a bear hug saying "peace be with you" or "Jesus loves you and so do i" and then go on your way without even knowing the person's name or anything about them. that isnt communion."

i think it is interesting that communion is with His blood and His body, and yet we see it as this reason to feel sorry for our sin every week (Jesus blood=free from guilt and shame) and as some thing between us and the Lord (communion with body=the people around you).

it's intended to be a giant celebration because each week we are reminded of what God has done. it should a place of healing and looking at the Lord and remembering what He has done, not all the bad things we've done and the ways we messed up this week.

sorry if that was out of place but, there you go anyway.

1:10 am  

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