Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The dark

A few years back Bill Brannan had a vision of the people in the youth group running through dunmurry laughing away. The principality governing the area was chasing but couldn't catch up.
Today the Lord showed me a man in a raft paddling across a dark lake surrounded by fog. He couldn't see but he knew where he was going. As light began to penetrate the fog it was clear to see that a dark shadow was chasing him but couldn't catch up, even though he was going so slowly.

The truth was that he had the peace of the spirit, and that's why the darkness couldn't touch him, not because he was too strong or too fast.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

He has given us his peace so we can eneter into his victory.

The three spirits governing Dunmurry and most of the modern world are the Jezebel spirit, the Babylonian spirit and the Anti-christ spirit. They're all very much at work in local churches, and govern our society and culture. It's time the Jesus reigned in all of the earth, let alone the church , and maybe our hearts would be a good start.

If you want to know more about the Jezebel, Babylonian and Anti christ spirits read the bible...

and read 'The three battle grounds' by Francis Frangipane, or ask me and I'll do my best to impart what little knowledge I have.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Lake

Back to the Lake again. It's so peaceful- the sun is shining across the surface, and it is as still as glass. I am swimming across this lake making slow but steady progress, but clearly enjoying the journey.

Just when I am beginning to enjoy myself most, a speed boat motors past me churning up the water, and speeds to the other side of the lake right were I'm headed.

So much of our religion is like that speed boat- just a machine to get us to the other side. I'm still heading to the other side, but I'm going to make the most of the journey. Sure, maybe somebody has a structure which will accomplish all our goals ten times more efficiently and it's a proven mechanism for church growth, and that's all it is- a machine headed for the other side.

No machine can beat real life.

Go. Live.