Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The equally-brightly coloured flower

Yay! Fiftieth post!

The scene is set. The clam and the brightly coloured flower. Another really bright flower springs up next door. It's pretty hot looking. The clam slides on over there and this flower begins to drip into it. It doesn't drip the nice pure fruit juice though, it drips something far darker- it's poisonous. You can tell to look at it that it's dangerous, but the clam can't. His little clam eyes are closed, as he enjoys the feeling of this refreshing liquid raining on him. But then the poison kicks in and he dies.

You see the enemy isn't stupid, and when we start getting our satisfaction from God alone he will offer us a pretty good looking alternative. But it won't look all that alternative- it might look just the same. It might be an out of body experience, or that feeling of elation you get when you worship. But it's not pure. It's poisonous. And eventually it will kill us.

It will be plain for all to see that this is not the Holy spirit, but if we have our eyes closed then we won't see it. In the words of a very wise man- 'don't kiss your brain goodbye'

On the flip side though, I'll give you this analogy.

When the American government were training special agents to track fake money they sat them in a room full of real money for a few weeks. The agents learned how the money felt, how it smelled, the exact formation of markings on the notes. Then after a few weeks they threw a fake note in there. The agents all spotted it straight away because they knew exactly what the real stuff was like.

You see, we don't study all the crap so we can see it when it comes against us. If we know our daddy then we won't let anything else sneak in. Learn what it is like to be with him and you won't be easily deceived.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like it

10:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like it a lot

7:48 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, that is so awesome. yeah we were talking about this today at the arb sort of.

we were studying 1 Timothy 4 (and yes, i did get the idea from men's group) and if you notice how paul always seems to give all these rules to people and sometimes he even says things that seem opposed to each other. i think sometimes we think of paul as this wise man who managed to always figure out what to do. but that is wrong. no man of God who was recognized as such ever had it figured out.

they just know the Lord. that's so true cause if we fix our eyes on the Lord and come to know Him and His voice, we'll not follow another.

yeah another thing to keep in mindm is the devil doesnt always attack us in the negative, he also trys to make us see ourselves as more than we are. God wants us to see ourselves as His children and to have no other identity. this doesnt mean automaton, this means we are His children first and then we go and live out of that. we dont rest secure in how good we are at something, we rest secure in the fact that God loves us and is our Father.

reject all things negative and all things flattering, cause neither of them are true. you are not worthless cause you have God, you are also not some awesome person because of you, it's all because of Him. give glory to God and dont let anyone slander His creation.

10:47 pm  

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