Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The fat-boy tree

There's a young boy eating fruit on the bank of the river. The fruit grows from the ground and it doesn't looks like anything special, in fact, you may not even realise it's fruit, until you taste it- it's the sweetest, most refreshing thing ever to cross a man's lips. This little boy seems to think so anyway. As he continues to eat his face shines with an unearthly glow, and he grows just a little bit. He keeps eating.

The boy is lying on his back on the bank, he is quite fat now. But he looks so satisfied, his face is almost unbearably bright, and he has his hands behind his head, enjoying the sunshine. Then he closes his eyes and a tree shoots up through his heart and grows into the most beautiful tree. He continues to lie there, now looking even more satisfied, and with a great look of fulfilment on his face.

At first I thought that this was a warning against over indulence in the fruit of the spirit, never taking enough time to sow seed into others' lives. But then I saw a bunch of these kids, all eating from this one boy's patch of land. I thought being fat might be a bad thing, but the bible doesn't seem to think so...

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing; (Psalm 92)

The fruit only does so much good sitting on the ground. Unless we actually take and eat it's not very useful. But the fruit of the spirit nourishes us- it makes our face shine, and satisfies the longing in our soul to dwell in the Spirit. And as we continually feast on the fruit we shall grow fat and flourish. Then we are full of seed, and we will flourish like a tree. And what do trees do? make more fruit!

The beautiful tree scatters it's fruit all over the area, and many other young children come and satisfy themselves with it's delicious fruit.

He waters the hills from His upper chambers;
The earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works. (Psalm 104:13)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah man, good word. i definitly think i agree with this. so often we want to go and give when we dont have anything to give. the thing the Lord has been speaking to me for years (quiet literally one of the first directional words i ever got) is that we truly need to have something to bring people to before we can bring them. people dont need to be coerced, they need to be caught up into.

the Lord does not want to force people, He wants to show them real life and then show them that they dont have it apart from Him. i want people to be soundly saved, not strapped down and shipped off to the kingdom. God is able to save them, let's let Him have His way in us so He can do it and let people taste of His goodness in us.

8:36 pm  

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