The outer shell
God, standing there with his arms wide open is calling to me to come into his arms, to give myself to him and allow him to change me and mould me etc etc... I see myself giving him fragments of what seems to be an outer shell. It looks pretty cool- sort of shiny and attractive but God doesn't seem to be impressed. He inspects each fragment before deciding he can't do anything with it and tosses it away. Still he stands there waiting expectantly for something.
God wants us. He doesn't want our ministry, he doesn't want our reputation. He want's our hearts. It seems right to offer the external things. They are the things that other people see, and so it's natural for us to want to have these changed by God, so that other people will see how annointed our ministry is. But it's useless to give him our ministry unless he has our hearts. As long as we hold on to our hearts, God cannot do anything for our ministry. He's our daddy, he loves us so intensely, he just wants our hearts. When we give him our heart he will change it to such an extent that our ministry will be changed too.
All my springs are in you...
God wants us. He doesn't want our ministry, he doesn't want our reputation. He want's our hearts. It seems right to offer the external things. They are the things that other people see, and so it's natural for us to want to have these changed by God, so that other people will see how annointed our ministry is. But it's useless to give him our ministry unless he has our hearts. As long as we hold on to our hearts, God cannot do anything for our ministry. He's our daddy, he loves us so intensely, he just wants our hearts. When we give him our heart he will change it to such an extent that our ministry will be changed too.
All my springs are in you...
yeah i agree fully man, and this is unfortunately not something that is learned except through doing it. it takes time for the Lord to mold us and it takes time for us to give in. but that's ok cause God is not in a rush, He knows exactly how long it's going to take and planned for it before He made the universe (that's awesome isnt it?!?!).
the Lord loves to allow our foundations to be tested over and over until we have nothing built on the sand, not even the smallest amount because we are fully built on the rock.
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