Monday, June 05, 2006

The footsteps in the snow

Friday night worship at Fire (again). The whole building is filled with water, and people are praising in the water. Then a giant ball of fire falls into the water and all of a sudden eveyone is electrocuted.

A man, walking his dog in the snow. In his footsteps the ground is broken up and a seed has been planted.

Then the dog comes along and takes a dump in every single footstep.

But then a small boy runs along, following in those same footsteps, trampling the turd underfoot. As he does so, plants shoot up from the footsteps.

First of all, God is going to change our worship from being a once a week thing to being an everyday attitude- walking the dog speaks of the mundane things of life- but even these things can become an act of worship when God changes our attitudes. I worshipped God today by folding somebody else's washing from the tumble-drier in the common room.

The white snow speaks of peace, but it also speaks of coldness. God is granting us peace all about, in order that we may have a platform on which he can build his temple. But the enemy can turn this peace into apathy. I read this the other day- 'indifference is not the same thing as submission. Yielding to [God's] Spirit is not the same as being apathetic about the things of the spirit'. Don't let the peace of God become coldness- it should be revitalising and energising.

But then that man walking his dog breaks the snow apart, and smashes the hard ground beneath. We overcome that coldness by breaking up the fallow ground, destroying the hardness in our hearts, by being transformed by the renewing of our minds. This allows the spirit to plant seeds in our hearts. This seed is the potential for limitless fruitfulness. Remember that it is the God of peace who crushes Satan under our feet, hence the white snow.

But then somebody will come along and dump all over that seed. The enemy will send a lying tongue to confuse our minds. Or someone will discourage us in our faith. But what the enemy intended for evil, God will use for good. That crap will become that which fertilises the seed, and makes it to grow into a mighty plant, bearing much fruit.

The little boy speaks of discipleship. As we disciple others, the seeds we plant begin to bear fruit- those disciples become the outlet for our ministry, they become fellow gardeners with us- like Paul said 'I planted, Apollos watered, but it is God who gave the increase'.

Try to find the balance of these two scriptures in your life this week.

'The God of peace will soon crush satan under our feet.' (Romans 16:20)

'The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force' (Matthew 11:12)


Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proof God has a sense of humour.

5:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that's true definitly has a sense of humor. it's funny how that works. anyway

yeah, that is so very true. i keep feeling so emotionally detached so many times, just cause i know that i should be feeling something in a given situation or that i want to emphathize with someone but i dont know how and feel so powerless to deal with it. im not sure if that's coldness or if that's just me where im at right now, meh maybe i'll figure it out someday. it doesnt matter in the end cause im not ruled by my ability to feel.

im ruled by the God who gave me those feelings in the first place and if it is His will that i feel then i feel. that's the end of that.

7:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

2:47 am  

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