Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Heart room

There's an underwater complex with kindly and yet scary security guards at each of the doors. They are armed with tridents, protecting the precious contents of each room. They're not letting just anyone in there, they know exactly who is allowed in to each room.

I get into one of the rooms, walking past a security guard who looks awfully like someone I know. Inside there are rows and rows of hearts all plugged into a central terminal. This terminal links to a second room, just next door, wherein is the biggest heart I've ever seen. Each of the individual hearts has a name tag above it, and has it's own special cable linking it to the central terminal.

I walk through to the next room, and am greeted by rows and rows of minds, all with their own name tags and linked by their own cables to another central terminal, this time linked to a giant brain in the adjacent room.

Then a room filled with vials of what can only be spirits. The same sort of arrangement is in place, linking to a giant, apparently empty room. However the water in this room is different somehow- it is brighter, and thicker. It's filled with another spirit of some sort.

Then I see a special room at one end of the complex. Inside the decaying body of a dead man is releasing something into the water. It moves like a cloud through the water, thousands of tiny particles of some fluid, injecting something powerful into the water. This water flows through the different rooms washing over the hearts, then the minds, then the spirits. There is an electric current in the water, drawing the water through to a final special room at the other end of the complex. In this room is a giant man, growing all the time and glowing with an unearthly glow. It is a spectacular sight. I can see the cloud from the first room, now increased in intensity flowing to this new body, as if attracted by the electric current.

The best parallel would be electolysis, for anyone who did GCSE chemistry!

So God is taking our hearts, our minds and our spirits. All are laid down as we tap into the power of his heart, mind and spirit. We retain our identity- we are unique creations, but all of a sudden we are operating with God's power and not our own, his thoughts, his desires, his love.

The dead body represents first of all the death of Jesus. It releases the blood into our lives, which empowers us to be transformed into his image. But 2 Corinthians says that if one died for all then all died. So this body also represents our lives, laid down for his Glory. This releases that which he has placed within us to change our hearts minds and spirits.

But this death is not without a resurrection. We are being built into a more glorious body, as we tap into his heart, his mind and spirit we are raised up- transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit if the Lord.

Another vision confirms this. The sun is setting on a picture of the cross. But with the sunrise comes an empty tomb. In this christian life death must be followed by resurrection.

"So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." 1 Cor 15:42-44


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that verse from corinthians is tough going but so awesome

10:39 am  

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