Monday, March 20, 2006

Lakeside- tuesday 14th March 2006

I was praying with Johannes in the church. There was intense warfare and the Lord showed me the following.

I saw a fire burning on the shore. An ice sculpture in the form of a man was being burned at the stake, while a tribe of kids with war paint and spears danced around. I saw the same vision twice. The first time, the ice melted and the water put out the fire. All that was left was a disappointing pile of ashes, and some very satisfied

The second time, the ice melted but the water retained the form of a man. Then the water caught fire and just burned brightly as a beacon on the island.

The Lord told me that we could either be ruined by the fire, or what the enemy intended for evil could become our good- it would soften our hardened hearts, break our frozen mindsets, cause the ice to become rivers of living water within us and set us on fire to burn for our saviour.

Burning water. The title of this blog is hereby explained.


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