Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Lake

I thought I might begin by telling you about the lake.

The lake is where God takes me when he wants to show me a prophetic picture or vision. It is not a literal lake, it is a place in the spirit where spiritual realities are revealed to me. This is not a hyper spiritual thing- it's just one of the many ways God has chosen to reveal himself to me.

A while back the Lord told me very clearly that i was missing a lot of spiritual revelation by being to worked up and too loud. He taught me to quieten my heart so that I could hear the small things he was saying. He showed me that so often we can be carried away by the strong waves of his spirit, but miss out on the little ripples in the surface of the water, that often succeed or precede the larger works. So he taught me to feel these little ripples.

When I feel the spirit leading me to do so, I'll slow right down, put out my hands and begin to run my fingers through the water. Then I can begin to see them with the spirit's eye. It is as if I am looking at myself in a parallel reality- I can see myself as I would if I had my eyes open- I can see my hands in the water, can see my legs moving as I wade through the lake...

But then I'll look up toward the shore, and here the Lord will show me whatever it is he wants. Quite often I'll see a fire burning on the shore. Many times I'll see the people for whom I've been burdened and praying. Sometimes I'll walk to the shore and hang out next to the fire for a bit.

The Lord has shown me many cool things there. Especially in the last few days. So the purpose of this blog is to share some of them with you. I'll also share some of the revelation I receive from the word, and any thing cool that I think might bless the people who read it.

I'm not some sort of hyperspiritual freak. Well, i'm a freak, i'll admit to that. But I believe that the Lord has called me to speak prophetically into people's lives. I believe with my whole heart that the shepherd speaks to his sheep. I believe passionately that it is of utmost importance that we hear what the Lord is speaking to his church in these end times. That's what I am trying to do here.

God bless ya.

Pleasant reading.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very insightful.....though u skillfully avoided the mannafest subject .....

Stevie b

1:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey dude, that's freakin sweet and the ways God speaks to us are super cool. dont worry about apologizing for it too much though, cause God'll do all that, just speak it.

1:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im lookin forward to this

3:30 pm  
Blogger doo said...

Who was the second anonymous. I'm guessing either isaac or ed...

5:26 pm  
Blogger AHarburg said...

Hey! Aaron here (mission trip 2003) You know what, consistantly God has brought me to the waters edge as well, maybe not a lake, it's an ocean for me, with white shores. I intend on reading this blog with semi-regularity. I think it is sweet. God bless bro!

11:11 pm  

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